Newforma Konekt Web Viewer Getting Started Tutorial

4 minutes
2 years ago

The Newforma Konekt Web Viewer allows you to view models and see issues in-context, display and navigate around models and sheets from different BIM/CAD authoring software programs to create a federated model. It is the ideal platform for recording issues, monitoring progress of models, and communicating directly on issues with your contributors.

This tutorial teaches project managers, site team, and clients/representatives how to make their first steps with the Web Viewer.

Before you follow this tutorial, we invite you to register for our Web Viewer live training session.

What you’ll need

Step 1 – Access the Web Viewer

To access the Web Viewer, click a project and then in the main menu, under Project menu, select Viewer. Then, click Work in the legacy viewer in the header.

Step 2 – Import or publish IFC models and PDF sheets to the Web Viewer

When you’re in the Web Viewer, you’ll find yourself in the Project Tree where you can add ICF files. There are two ways of doing that either by adding them manually or from Revit.

Sheets can be added from the Sheets tab.

For this tutorial, we recommend using the export/import method. You’ll need to use your shared coordinates from Revit when exporting your IFCs. If you need any help getting everything set up, reach out to us via chat.

Step 3 – Display IFC models

When at least one model is uploaded, you can hover over the model and turn it on. When a model is turned, the selection tree is accessible. By expanding the tree, you can see all the elements and objects of the project.

The following articles contain basic info and procedures you can perform in the Project Tree.

Please note models cannot be modified from the Web Viewer.

Once we’ve turned on the models we need to see from the Project Tree, you have the ability to turn off unneeded and unwanted categories from the Categories tab. You can hide unneeded and unwanted categories or apply color overrides.

Once those categories are switched off, it’s highly recommended to save your view in the Views tab so you don’t need to keep switching off any pesky categories (see Create a Saved View).

If the model you are viewing was exported with spaces/rooms you can search and access them quickly in the Web Viewer. The tool adjusts the section box to display the model to the extents of the room when clicking on the space/room in the list (see Navigation by Spaces).

Step 4 – Display PDF sheets

Newforma Konekt’s hypermodeling feature allows you to import PDF sheets (such as 2D plans and drawings) in the Web Viewer to overlay 2D sheets and 3D models for maximum issue context.

In the Sheets tab, hover over the sheet and turn it on.

Step 5 – Retrieve and edit issues

In the Issues tab, the issue list displays all the issues within the project. Here are a few actions you might want to try, along with relevant documentation links:

Step 6 – Create issues

You also have the ability to create issues if you come across something you have noticed or want to bring to someone’s attention. There are two options available to you:

Congratulations! Now that you know how to get started with the Web Viewer, let‘s learn about the navigation bar and options.

See also