Newforma Konekt for AutoCAD: Best Practices

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1 year ago

This article describes the best practices for using Newforma Konekt with AutoCAD.

Creating/editing issues

Before you start using the add-in, create a custom attribute to allow users to specify the level at which the issue is located (see Project Settings). Create issue is the only method available for creating issues in AutoCAD. It is recommended that you annotate the viewpoint using the image editor to help others retrieve and understand the issue.


Use filters to find and organize issues. For example, you can access the issues assigned to you as the structural engineer. The issue list will display the results according to the criteria you have defined.

View in model behavior

When retrieving AutoCAD issues in Revit, in the Newforma Konekt – Revit settings window (Newforma Konekt tab > Settings), select the Show/Hide saved elements checkbox to display saved elements when the View in model feature is used.

You can also select the Force section box around related elements. However, AutoCAD elements will not be cut.

Import your AutoCAD 2D plans to Revit

Import data from AutoCAD into a Revit model so that your plans can be automatically published to Newforma Konekt and overlaid with hyperlinked models (Insert tab > Import panel > Import CAD).

Publish or import your 2D sheets to the web viewer

Publish 2D Revit sheets or import PDF files in our web viewer to overlay 2D sheets and 3D models to get the fullest possible picture (see Publish Revit Sheets Directly to the Web Viewer or Manually Insert Sheets From PDF Files)

Make sure you are using the same coordinates between different software otherwise Newforma Konekt will not locate the right place when using the View in model feature (see Setting Up Revit Shared Coordinates).