IMAGINiT Clarity Integration with Newforma Konekt

2 minutes
1 year ago

IMAGINiT’s Clarity integration with Newforma Konekt allows you to automate IFC model upload to Newforma Konekt and backup Newforma Konekt data on your drive for compliance and archiving.

This article provides information and links to resources for those who are getting started with the integration.

Related: Increase automation and traceability with IMAGINiT Clarity + Newforma Konekt

Things to know

Connect to Newforma Konekt

  1. Log in to IMAGINiT Clarity.
  2. Go to the System Settings page (Server > Settings > OAuth tab).
  3. Click Add or Update Credentials.
  4. In the Name field, enter your email address and in the Client ID field, paste your API access token.

Use the integration

Jump to 14:54 for a demonstration of the integration.

Technical support

If you require technical support, please contact RAND’s support team at