Import and Manage Document Control Metadata (Beta)

4 minutes
3 weeks ago

Project creators, admins, and editors can import document metadata using the provided template for accurate mapping.

When adding files, your team will be able to associate them with previously imported metadata (see Add and Manage Files in Document Control).

Import metadata

  1. In Newforma Konekt, open the desired project.
  2. In the main menu, under the Project menu, select Document control.
  3. Click Import metadata in the top-right corner of the page.
  4. Download to the provided template by clicking the Download link. If the template is not utilized, there can be errors in validation and the process could not work as intended.
  5. Open the metadata template, which contain the following document information.
    Only the Number field is required. You can leave the other columns blank, but they need to appear in that order. Newforma Konekt only support the following metadata at this time.
    Column Description
    Number* The unique number of the document, which can be a combination of letters and numbers (up to 25 characters).
    Title The title of the document, which can contain letters and numbers (up to 255 characters).
    Size The size of the document.
    Scale The scale of the document, which can contain letters and numbers.
    Discipline The discipline(s) of the document.
    Description The description of the source file.
    Type The type of the document. Enter the desired value or use one of the following:
    • Contract Exhibit
    • Detail
    • Elevation
    • Floor plan
    • General
    • Profile
    • Section
    • Site
    • Specification
    Suitability The suitability of the document. Enter the desired value or use one of the following:
    • S0 – Initial Status
    • S1 – Suitable for coordination
    • S2 – Suitable for information
    • S3 – Suitable for review and comment
    • S4 – Suitable for review and authorization
    • S5 – Suitable for review and acceptance
    • A1 – Authorized and accepted
    • B1 – Partial sign-off (with comments)
    Revision Description The description of the revision.
    Revision Purpose The purpose of the revision. Enter the desired value or use one of the following:
    • For your review and comment
    • For use and distribution
    • For your approval
    • For your use
    • For Bid
    • For Construction
    • For Planning
    • Answered
    Revision Number The number of the revision. Only numeric revisions are supported. It can be anything from 1 to 999. By default, revision numbers are padded with a single zero (example: if the revision number is 2, it will be displayed as 02).
    Revision Prefix The prefix of the revision, which can only contain letters and numbers. This field is cap sensitive and must end with a letter (example: R1P is supported, R12 is not supported).
    Revision Suffix The suffix of the revision, added for the revision numbering scheme. Numeric and alphabetic suffixes are supported. Spaces and the following special characters are not supported: \ / : * ? “ < > |
    Revision Date The date of the revision.
  6. Save the file and go back to the Import metadata dialog box to import the template. You can import the template as a CSV or Excel file.
  7. If you have specified revision dates, select the date format you used in the document, then click Import. The system will validate the uploaded file. If errors are found, fix them and then re-import the file.

After the file is imported, each row in the file appears as a Placeholder in the document. The first page of the imported file is what will be imported, additional pages are not supported. Once a file is associated to the placeholder, the status changes to Draft in the document register.

If you import a CSV file again, only the new entries will be added, items that have no change will be ignored.

Manage metadata

In the document control register, you can right click a placeholder or click on the ellipsis to open the action menu and select Open details.

You have the ability to rename and edit metadata via the Details panel and adjust the metadata from the Revision tab in the detail panel. You can also see the history of the metadata in the History tab. Note that placeholders are unavailable for download.