Vectorworks Integration with Newforma Konekt

2 minutes
2 years ago

Vectorworks’ integration with Newforma Konekt allows you to create issues, respond to comments, assign, and resolve issues in Vectorworks. You or your colleague can then access the issues in Newforma Konekt or any of the platforms in Newforma Konekt’s add-ins ecosystem.

This article explains how to use the BCF manager in Vectorworks to connect to Newforma Konekt and create issues. For more information, refer to The BCF Manager palette.

Related: Vectorworks + Newforma Konekt: The Complete BIM Workflow

Things to know

  • Only Vectorworks 2023 is supported.
    If you are using an older version of Vectorworks, it is still possible to import/export BCF files in Newforma Konekt.
  • Vectorworks 2023 supports BCF 2.0, BCF 2.1, and BCF 3.0. Newforma Konekt does not support BCF 3.0 for now.

  • An overview of the integration can be found here.

Connect to Newforma Konekt

  1. In Vectorworks’ ribbon, click Window > Palettes > Web Palettes > BCF Manager.
  2. From the BCF Manager palette, click Connect.
  3. In the BCF Connect dialog box, select the appropriate Newforma Konekt server as the Type.
  4. Click Log in to authenticate Newforma Konekt. You can ignore the error message that appears.
  5. The connection status at the top of the palette changes to Connected, and the server data for the selected project is loaded into the palette.

Issue creation overview

  1. In the Vectorworks file, select the object for which you want to create an issue.
  2. From the BCF Manager palette, under the topic list, click New.
  3. In the New Topic dialog box, enter a title and fill out any other relevant fields.
    Changes to the list items must be made from the Newforma Konekt platform.
  4. Click OK.

To view the issue in context, click on it and then double-click on the viewpoint. You can switch the current render mode to better see the issue.

To add a comment, select a topic from the list of topics and click New to create a comment, or select an existing comment and click Edit under the Comments on Selected Topic area. Adding a snapshot to the comment will change the main viewpoint.

Technical support

If you require technical support, please contact Vectorworks support here.