Configure Viewer Settings – NextGen Viewer (Beta)

1 minute
2 months ago

This article describes the different options that you can configure in the Newforma Konekt Viewer.

To access the settings, in the navigation bar, click Viewer settings.

Under Issues, you can change the behavior of the View in model feature.

3D element visibilitySelect one of the following options.
Keep current state – Conserves the current state.
Restore viewpoint element visibility – Hides elements that have been hidden and shows elements that have been selected during issue creation.
Isolate selected elements – Isolates related elements of an issue. Commonly used when retrieving issues that were created from the Clashes to Issues command with the Clash Detective.
Show all elements – Shows all elements associated with the model discipline.
Force clipping box around related elementsPlaces a clipping box around related elements. The clipping box will always automatically be turned on when retrieving issues with related elements.