Print a Report

1 minute
2 years ago

You can print a report and share it with all stakeholders via link or in PDF format. Check out a sample coordination report from Newforma Konekt.

You can also email reports to your team members at predefined intervals (see Schedule Reports).

  1. In Newforma Konekt, open the desired project.
  2. In the main menu, under Project menu, select Reports.
  3. On the Reports page, specify what you want to include in your report (see Reports Overview).
  4. In the top-right corner, click Print. A new tab will open and you will be able to save the report as PDF.
    If your report is showing zero issues but you have a lot of issues in your project, it is possible that there are no issues corresponding to the criteria of your filters.

When you share your report with Newforma Konekt users, they can open issues they have access to by logging into their account.