Newforma Konekt for Navisworks: Best Practices for Using View in Model on Large Files
You may notice that when clicking on View in model, Newforma Konekt will try to remember the view state of the viewpoint (provided that your View in Model settings are set up in this way). This is even more obvious when you have hidden elements.

Approach 1
This process usually takes a second or two, but with larger models, it can take longer, especially if your viewpoint contains many hidden elements. One approach is to utilize the Force section box around related elements option all whilst disabling the elements visibility (see Define Newforma Konekt Settings for Navisworks).
This way, the View in model will not attempt to reconstruct the view state (thus speeding up the process), and a section box will conveniently be wrapped around the clashing elements.

Approach 2
But perhaps you don’t want to be restricted to a small section box. If this is the case, a popular workflow with large projects would be to navigate from one issue to another with some settings disabled and some models hidden. In this example, we’ll focus on issues that involve ONLY Structural and HVAC models.
First, hide all your other models in Navisworks.

Make sure in the settings that Elements visibility is set to Do nothing and disable the Force section box around related elements option.

When clicking View in model, you’ll be quickly brought to the expected location without any obstructions and without having to use section tools.

In the Clash Detective tool, you may be tempted to already set up the viewpoints for each clash group by hiding elements or adding section tools. When doing so, you’re applying these changes across all your clash results. This means that if you apply a section box around some clashes located in a small area of your model, this section box will be turned on all throughout the publishing process (when publishing to Newforma Konekt). The corresponding viewpoints in Newforma Konekt will thus show empty except for the clashes that are included within that section box (and the same principle applies for hidden elements).
Tweaking viewpoints with section tools or hidden elements from the clash detective can still be done as long as you’re mindful of how all other clashes of your clash test may be affected. For example, if your clash test is focusing on a certain level of your building, you can always use a section plane to cut off the top levels, allowing you to better see the clashes.