July 4, 2022 Release (v1.86)

1 minute
2 years ago

This release adds support for Autodesk 2023 products. To download version 1.86 of the Newforma Konekt add-ins, go to the App Marketplace.


Platform Improvement

Newforma Konekt now supports Autodesk product versions from 2023 going back to 2018.

If you are using a version prior to 2018, please update your software by signing in to your Autodesk account at manage.autodesk.com.

If you have a suggestion for improvement or a new feature you think everyone would benefit from, you can submit it here.

Bug fix

Platform Bug fix
Newforma Konekt for Revit

Fixed a bug in our publish tool for the Revit add-in where 3D element properties were missing.

Known issue

Platform Known issue
Newforma Konekt for Revit

Revolution Design’s Revit WorkFlow add-in is interfering with our Revit add-in. Some attribute fields are unavailable while creating/editing an issue when both add-ins are installed at the same time.