Sharing Center Overview

2 minutes
3 months ago

Use the Sharing center as a historical log for all pieces of information that has been shared previously from the Files and Document Control activity centers. Creators, Administrators, and Editors on projects can view all shares that have been sent over the course of the project, as well as what documents were shared, what activity center they were shared from, who they were shared to, and the history of those shares (including who downloaded what, when!)

Interface overview

You can access the Newforma Konekt Sharing Center from the Project menu by clicking Sharing Center.

The Sharing Center log lists all items shared from the Files and Document Control activity centers, selecting a row will display the details pane, allowing users to see in-depth data for the selected share.

Access Rights

Access in the Sharing Center access is determined by team or domain. If you are an administrator on a project, you have access to the Sharing Center, otherwise users are granted access if:

  • The user is part of an allowed team from SC’s settings
  • The user is part of an allowed domain from SC’s settings

A user does NOT have access if they are a reviewer.

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