Afficher et modifier une question – Visionneuse Mobile

1 minute
Il y a 3 semaines

The issue list allows you to access all the issues from the mobile viewer. To view and edit, the issue on the model, proceed as follows

  1. In Newforma Konekt, open the desired project.
  2. From the hamburger menu, select Viewer
  3. Open the desired model/sheet.
  4. From the viewer menu, select ‘Open issues‘ to see the list of all the issues.
  5. Click on the desired issue tile, to view the issue’s details.

You can use the filter and sort options to find your issue more easily. You can also show pinpoints and cameras from the toolbar.

  1. To comment on, replace or delete a viewpoint, tap the viewpoint and select the desired option. If the issue has multiple viewpoints, you can also change the main viewpoint.
  2. To edit an attribute, tap the attribute. When you are done, tap Save.
  3. To write or reply to a comment, tap the Comments tab. You can take or select a picture to attach to the comment and even mention a colleague or team (@mention).
  4. To add an attachment, tap the Attachments tab and then tap Add Attachment. You can take a picture or select a picture or file.