Using Newforma Konekt with BIM 360

3 minutes
2 years ago

BIM 360 is a unified cloud-based platform that connects teams and brings project data together in a common data environment for real-time monitoring throughout the project lifecycle.

This article shows how you can use Newforma Konekt for issue tracking in conjunction with BIM 360 Design and BIM 360 Glue.

Please note that there is no integration between Newforma Konekt and BIM 360.

Revit/BIM 360 Design/Newforma Konekt

If you are using BIM 360 Design with Revit cloud worksharing, you can integrate Newforma Konekt into your workflow to raise issues directly in Revit so that other users can access and resolve them back in their own local copy of the central model.

The following steps provide the recommended workflow for working with Newforma Konekt and BIM 360 Design.

  1. In Revit, open the project file, creating your own local copy of the central model.
  2. Make the desired design changes by borrowing elements or using worksets to sign the required elements out (see Editing Elements in Other Worksets and Worksets).
    It is recommended that you save your local model frequently (Ctrl+S).
  3. Publish and/or modify issues using the Revit add-in (see Localize an Issue – Add-ins, Create an Issue – Add-ins and Views to Issues).
    Please note that when you publish an issue from Revit, you only send the 3D view from which you created the issue, not your model. To upload your model to Newforma Konekt, see Adding IFC Files.
    Newforma Konekt synchronizes with the central model before publishing.
  4. Save your local model and synchronize your changes to the central model, or download the latest changes from the other users directly into your local copy (see Saving and Reloading Workshared Projects).

Revit/BIM 360 Glue/Navisworks/Newforma Konekt

BIM 360 Glue allows your team to work simultaneously on the same NWF file (see Workflow: Collaboration and Coordination). From Navisworks, you can use the add-in to log into Newforma Konekt and use the Clashes to Issues feature to upload clashes found in the Clash Detective to Newforma Konekt so that Revit users can access them.

Here is a typical workflow demonstrating the use of Newforma Konekt with BIM 360 Glue when collaborating on a merged model in Navisworks.

  1. In Navisworks, open the merged model.
  2. Find clashes (see Use Clash Tests).
  3. Publish your clashes to Newforma Konekt (see Clashes to Issues).
  4. Once published, in Revit, you can display clash pinpoints and create a selection box (see Isolate Elements in a 3D View with a Selection Box).


Where are local copies saved?

Local copies are saved at the following file path: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\<Autodesk Revit Version>\CollaborationCache

For more information, see How to find the local copies of Revit Cloud Workshared files.

If a user has signed out elements, but forgets to relinquish them and another user has a scheduled publication for the model to Newforma Konekt, will the elements from the workset be missing in Newforma Konekt?

Borrowed elements can stay signed out if the option is not checked to relinquish them during a sync. In this scenario, the elements in the local copy will still be sent in the  export, but if the user that has them signed out has made any changes, those changes will not be reflected into the central model, therefore they will not be in the export.

Next step

Discover other BIM coordination workflows in this blog post.